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Residential Learning

Our team of directors, coordinators and graduate students that support residential living and learning initiatives.

VIEW: Alphabetical By Group


Bryan Botts

Associate Director, Residential Learning

Quashon Bunch

Associate Director/Program Director (BMI)

Caitlin Carter-Corker

Associate Director, Living and Learning Programs

Sarah Donovan

Coordinator, Residential Leadership and Training

Ben Jones

Program Director, Honors Village

Savannah Matherly

Program Director, Wellness and Women of Welch Villages

Robin McWilliams

Director, SAY Village and Community Youth Partnerships

Melanie Mitchell

Program Director, Impact Leadership Village

Alejandra Orellana-Portillo

Program Director, Global Village and Native Space

Patrick Stephenson

Director, Transfer Connections Village

Aisha Williams

Director, Exploratory Studies Village

Graduate Assistants

Megan Kaltenbach

Graduate Assistant, Education and Support

Ali Barrier

Graduate Assistant, Exploratory Studies Village

Erica Finch

Graduate Assistant, Honors Village

Alex Haines

Graduate Assistant, Engineering Village - Wolf Ridge

Mikayla Harrell

Graduate Assistant, Impact Leadership Village

Nathan Jenkins

Graduate Assistant, Transfer Connections

JaeKouk Ko

Graduate Assistant, Arts Village

Sophia Pimentel

Graduate Assistant, Training and Leadership

Ruben Quiroz

Graduate Assistant, Global Village

Sydney Russell

Graduate Assistant, Albright Entrepreneurs Village

Hadie Sabbah

Graduate Assistant, Engineering Village - Sullivan Hall

Cameron Torrey

Graduate Assistant, Education and Support

Eboni Wescott

Graduate Assistant, Wellness Village and Women of Welch